Sunday, August 22, 2010

Welcome Back!

This week in the art room will not be typical. Every year during the first week, all teachers need to take care of some very important "housekeeping" details. First we need to be sure and welcome all of our new students, and give them a chance to get comfortable in his or her new school. Then, in the art room, we always recite the Honor Pledge.
It pretty much sums up the rules in my classroom.

The Honor Pledge

I agree to be personally and academically honest and to treat others with respect and courtesy.

Afterward, we practice the fire drill and review the emergency weather and lock down procedures. Finally, we take a quick tour of the art room, spend a few minutes getting caught up after our Summer break, and line up for the next thing on the schedule. I can't wait till next week when we can get down to the real business of making art!

It's so great to have the children back on campus...we've really missed them!

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