Monday, November 8, 2010

Fourth Graders Paint Watercolor Windmills

L to R: Sophie E. and Aidan S. - Mr. Hughes' class

L to R: Taylor W. and Anna C. - Ms. Lemon's class

L to R: Valere B. and Senna P. - Miss Telemachos' class

L to R: Alexandra H. and Christopher C. - Ms. Tucker's class

Fourth grade students studied the life and art of Dutch oil painter, Rembrandt van Rijn. Rembrandt lived from 1609 to 1669, during the same time period that Jamestown was being settled. It's fun for the children to make a connection to what else was going on in the world during the time when the American colonies were being settled. We talked a lot about what windmills were used for and looked closely at Rembrandt's 1650 painting, The Mill.

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