Monday, February 28, 2011

Shorecrest art on exhibit!

Fourth Graders L to R: Senna P., Logan S., and Jordan T.

The exhibit "My Ticket to Tomorrow" opened yesterday at The Morean Arts Center in downtown St. Petersburg. The exhibit will be up through April 10, 2011 and showcases elementary level artwork from all over Pinellas County. Three Shorecrest students had their pieces selected for the exhibit. On Saturday, March 5th from 1 to 3 pm , there will be a reception for students, teachers, family, and friends where additional awards will be announced. Congratulations to our winners!

My Ticket to Tomorrow

By Jordan T.

In the future the environment will be in good shape, people will realize how important it is to respect the earth. Everyone will recycle and clean up. In some spots, like the one in this picture, there will be only nature. All animals will live happily. Endangered animals will not be endangered because, as I said, people will learn. People will be allowed to sit and enjoy this spot and they will take care of it too. No one would ever dream of making a city out of the place in my picture. They would enjoy this place where everyone is happy – the animals, the plants, and the people.

My Ticket to Tomorrow

By Logan S.

My drawing is sixty years in the future. In the future the world won’t be much different, but there will be normal cars that at top speed can go around 300 miles per hour max, and racing cars that go up to 525 miles per hour at max speed.

The cars will only look a little different. They will look cooler, be more aerodynamic, and will have an awesome spray paint instead of plain old red, blue, yellow, and all those boring colors.

Inside the car there will be nice cushions, lots of space for friends and family, lots of cup holders, and some fine music. Also, there will be lots of space for groceries in the trunk. I know the kids will like this feature…there will be seat heaters for every seat, not just the two front seats.

The buildings will be big and fancy, and have lots of windows. Some of the fanciest buildings will have helicopter landing pads on them.

Inside the buildings there will be many floors. There will be lots and lots of room and there will be offices with water fountains and coke fountains in case you get thirsty. There will be a popcorn machine in there too, but if you want to have lunch there, there will be a guy there selling tacos in the side building.

I hope you like my future buildings and cars.

My Ticket to Tomorrow

By Senna P.

This is Planet Senna! Everything will look like a Senna. Even the houses! All the books, magazines, T.V.s, and even cars will look like a Senna. But people from Planet Ashton will be invading soon! I am the leader of this planet and I say that we shall make a peace treaty. We already have the Army of Senna to help us, just in case! It will be ok, I hope!

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