Monday, September 19, 2011

Third Graders Study Cave Art

Did you know that relief sculptures covering the huge wall surfaces of caves were among the first pieces of art created in what is now the United States. Native American cave paintings have recently been found dating over 1000 years old. Like every artist in every age in every medium, the artists had to answer two questions before starting: (1) What will be the subject? and (2) How should I represent it? We have discovered that the answer to the first question was almost always animals, and the answer to the second question was that the animals were presented in strict profile. (Gardner's Art Through the Ages, Twelfth edition, Volume 1)

Lilianna B. - Mr. Wolfrath's class

Oliver H. - Ms. LaDuke's class

Carson Q. - Mrs. Hensler's class

Jordan S. - Ms. Mitchell's class
Our imitation of Native American cave paintings (pictographs) were made with paint, crayon, and oil pastels. Aren't they authentic?!

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