Monday, October 10, 2011

Fourth Grade Pen & Ink Illustrations

Mr. Murphy has asked our fourth graders to participate in a contest of sorts. Every fourth grader was asked to create an illustration for either a Thanksgiving card or a Birthday card. Mr. Murphy will select from our entries as well as entries from the Middle Division art students. Below is a small sampling of the pieces he will have to choose from in the Lower Division. It's going to be a tough decision!

Bella B. in Mr. Hughes' class

Noah S. in Mrs. Cameron's class
Renata in Ms. Lemon's class

Lucas M. in Mr. Hughes' class

Lindsay L. in Ms. Lemon's class

Simon M. in Mrs. Cameron's class
Reece L. in Ms. Telemachos' class

Riley K. in Ms. Telemachos' class

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