Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Third Grade Native American Weavings

Will H. - Mrs. Hensler's class

Taylor A. - Ms. Mitchell's class

Luke H. - Ms. LaDuke's class

Aliyah S. - Mr. Wolfrath's class

Third graders are just about to complete their Native American weavings. We watched a really helpful video that you may want to see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LbtKnvc_9No&feature=related

Monday, November 29, 2010

Kindergarten Creates Wise Old Owls

Reid H. - Ms.Conroy Isabella M. -Mrs. Vigue Chelsea C.-Mrs. Minke

Meredith M. and Jack L in Mrs. Minke's class

Monday, November 15, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

First Graders were very excited to be making turkeys out of clay this year! We started with a pinch pot and then molded one side into the head and the other side into the tail feathers. They have been fired twice and are ready to go home with the children. Great news...none of the turkeys exploded in the kiln :-) Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Fourth Graders Paint Watercolor Windmills

L to R: Sophie E. and Aidan S. - Mr. Hughes' class

L to R: Taylor W. and Anna C. - Ms. Lemon's class

L to R: Valere B. and Senna P. - Miss Telemachos' class

L to R: Alexandra H. and Christopher C. - Ms. Tucker's class

Fourth grade students studied the life and art of Dutch oil painter, Rembrandt van Rijn. Rembrandt lived from 1609 to 1669, during the same time period that Jamestown was being settled. It's fun for the children to make a connection to what else was going on in the world during the time when the American colonies were being settled. We talked a lot about what windmills were used for and looked closely at Rembrandt's 1650 painting, The Mill.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Second Graders Study South American Pottery

Whenever I tell a class that we are going to work with clay, they're excited. After a few quick reminders about clay basics, and an introduction to coil making, the children were ready to roll...literally :-) The photograph shows the different stages each pot went through. L to R: bisque fired, glazed and ready to be fired again, finished pot. These pots were decorated in the style of the Chulucanas people of Peru.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Kindergarten Studies Vincent Van Gogh

Chelsea C.- Mrs. Minke's class

Abby B. - Ms. Conroy's class

Caelin B. - Mrs. Vigue's class

L to R: Jack L., Aidan G., Julia S., Reid H.

L to R: Grace W., Kayla P., Alexander W.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Third Graders Study Still Life and Native American Beadmaking

Zachary P.
Mr. Wolfrath's class

Alexa G.
Ms. LaDuke's class

Erin W. - Mrs. Hensler's class

Ari W.
Ms. Mitchell's class

This is a sampling of beads ready
to be fired, painted, and strung.

Monday, October 11, 2010

First Graders Play "Hide and Snake"

Luke L. in Mrs. Whitecage's class

Sabrina A. in Mrs. Densa's class

We've been studying lines and patterns, and primary and secondary colors. So, after reading Keith Baker's book, Hide and Snake, each child thought of a main idea or a theme in which to hide his or her own snake. See if you can find them!

Iona H. - Mrs. Owen's class

Lizzie C. - Mrs. Owen's class

Luke B. - Mrs. Owen's class

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Important Reminder to Parents

Hello Parents! The window is now open for our parent opinion survey. You may access the survey through the link posted here. Please help us identify areas of strength as well as opportunities for improvement by taking the survey. It should take approximately 20 minutes of your time. Also, if you live in a two-parent household, we encourage both parents to take the survey.

Thank you so much for your participation in this very important reflective process!


Monday, October 4, 2010

Second Graders Imitate Eric Carle's Artwork

Shannon R. - Ms. Graham's class

Luke M. - Mrs. McKenzie's class

Jordan S. - Mrs. Cameron's class

Shaherzad C. - Ms. O'Mullane

Monday, September 27, 2010

Fourth Graders Enter CD Cover Art Contest

Congratulations to Emma S.! Emma's artwork was selected by Jack Hartman and Hop 2 It Music to be the cover art for his upcoming CD, "Transition Train". In addition, Valere B. will be designing the track artwork that will serve as a border on the front cover. Emma will receive a $100 gift certificate and Shorecrest will receive an additional $100 gift certificate. Emma will receive three free CDs and each fourth grade teacher will receive one free CD. I was very impressed with all of the entries and with how seriously each student took this project. You are all winners in my book!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Kindergarten Learns About Warm and Cool Colors

Last week Kindergarten students "felt the music" of the Caribbean while painting with warm colors. Then we switched to the cool colors and let Wolfgang Mozart inspire us. Today we used drawings the children had created in Ms. Diaz Leroy's music class while studying Mozart to guide us in a third piece of art. These are collages made from the warm and cool papers we created last week. Aren't they great!