Monday, September 27, 2010

Fourth Graders Enter CD Cover Art Contest

Congratulations to Emma S.! Emma's artwork was selected by Jack Hartman and Hop 2 It Music to be the cover art for his upcoming CD, "Transition Train". In addition, Valere B. will be designing the track artwork that will serve as a border on the front cover. Emma will receive a $100 gift certificate and Shorecrest will receive an additional $100 gift certificate. Emma will receive three free CDs and each fourth grade teacher will receive one free CD. I was very impressed with all of the entries and with how seriously each student took this project. You are all winners in my book!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Kindergarten Learns About Warm and Cool Colors

Last week Kindergarten students "felt the music" of the Caribbean while painting with warm colors. Then we switched to the cool colors and let Wolfgang Mozart inspire us. Today we used drawings the children had created in Ms. Diaz Leroy's music class while studying Mozart to guide us in a third piece of art. These are collages made from the warm and cool papers we created last week. Aren't they great!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Third Graders Study Radial Design

These students are working on a radial design group project for International Peace Day, 9/21/10.

Every third grader created a radial design project using words and symbols to tell others about his or her special interests and hobbies.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Graders Study Line and Pattern

After studying different styles of lines, each first grader made eight Artist Trading Cards depicting eight different patterns of lines. Then, recalling the book they read with Ms. Diaz Leroy in music, "Otto Goes to the Beach", each child drew Otto taking another type of adventure. They used pre-cut circles to add splashes of color before adding their patterns of lines to fill in the hollow spaces in their drawings. JC illustrated "Otto goes to the desert to find his home" and Baylie illustrated "Otto goes to the African jungle".